black and white bed linen

Decore com Estilo

Descubra dicas práticas e criativas para transformar sua casa em um lar acolhedor e bonito.

As dicas da Casa e Decoração - Barach transformaram minha casa! Adorei as ideias de DIY e as combinações de cores. Super recomendo para quem ama decorar.

Maria Silva

A well-decorated living room with a modern and colorful design. A green accent wall features an eclectic gallery of framed art. An orange sectional sofa with assorted cushions is complemented by a white, patterned armchair. A round coffee table with books and decorative items stands on a light rug with dark spots. A small desk with a lamp and chair is positioned against the wall, with shelves holding books and plants above it. A tall plant is situated in the corner.
A well-decorated living room with a modern and colorful design. A green accent wall features an eclectic gallery of framed art. An orange sectional sofa with assorted cushions is complemented by a white, patterned armchair. A round coffee table with books and decorative items stands on a light rug with dark spots. A small desk with a lamp and chair is positioned against the wall, with shelves holding books and plants above it. A tall plant is situated in the corner.
